By shit.... - 08/11/2012 18:25 - Malaysia - Kuala Selangor

Today, I was making out with my girlfriend, and things started getting pretty hot. That is, until I tried to remove her shirt. Somehow, I managed to grab her pajama shorts and give her a violent wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 631
You deserved it 31 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Violent wedgie? Isn't that the 37th Shade of Grey?

magicman13 9

That could be a turn on?Maybe?


BongRipsForJesus 7

That's why you gotta take it slow.

perdix 29

Violent wedgie? Isn't that the 37th Shade of Grey?

perdix 29

It's #6, the breakfast-oriented ones are first. Eggos are between Lay the Eggs and French Toast, and neither(eye) of them actually involve food. Lucky for you, the Eggo Shade actually involves Eggos.

enormouselephant 15

Perdix you are my every shade of grey.

perdix 29

#30, Aw, that's so sweet! You like my lunch-related Shades of Grey, even though I have poor table manners.

Wow, that's the first time I've seen you write (eye) after the word "neither" instead of (ee). Why the heck do you do that anyways, perdix?

perdix 29

#55, I've had discussions with a friend who's an (eye) sort, and I believed myself to be mostly an (ee) with an occasional (eye). I do it so I can see how often I do each and to try to find out when I use (eye) instead. I can't see a pattern yet.

Kallian_fml 21

Rug burn, scratches, wedgie marks, what ever floats your boat ;) In all seriousness though, next time try a different approach like a strip tease? That way the deeds done and everyone's happy. Of course if she goes along with it.

Nothin like a good yank of the pants up the ass

roblaycle 3

You obviously suck with women!

clairelikesbears 2

Go get her Starbucks. And say sweet things. That'll make up for it.