By RahiYeah09 - 17/09/2009 18:45 - United States

Today, I was in the 'intimacy' section of Walmart. After grabbing 2 boxes of condoms and a vibrating ring I turn around to see my ex boyfriend's mom. I smile awkwardly and put my head down as I walk away, causing me to colide with his dad and send my 'goodies' all over the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 260
You deserved it 7 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least it was your ex's family and not your current bf.


mrose57 0

So what were the exes parents doing in the intimacy section?

single woman use condoms to they put it on there toys so they don't have to clean them

Okay those of you who don't think it's that bad. I didn't have room to mention that I broke up with their son so I could date his best friend...

I didnt know that OPs could comment on their own FMLs? Ive just never seen it before.

Question is what were THEY doing in the intimacy section. And I didnt even know walmart had one of those sections

you sound like a real bitch from your #17 comment. ydi.

sam_stalker 0

they sell vibrating rings at walmart? gotta get me soma those

lomare 0

OMG>>> how embarassing

lomare 0

that is comedy... whats your number?...this is soo my friend T