By Poop - 02/10/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, I was in a video chat with an old friend who I haven't talked to in years, and my mom walks in. The first thing she says is, "Did you close the toilet after you pooped? Cause today on the news I heard that your poop particles can fly up to 25 feet, landing on your toothbrush." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 982
You deserved it 3 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, Orbit is always there to use afterwards. I'd still like to know where the hell they tested shit particles flying up in a parabolic arc 25 feet into the air though.

Well, at least your old friend has a reason not to talk to you for years again.


Good lord, I was wondering what that was on my toothbrush.

who has a 25 foot ceiling in their washroom?

Shes pretty dumb if she just saw that on the news

it doesent matter how far particles can fly. there is already a couple million bacteria on you toothbrush and wind can blow poop particles for very long distances. also, mythbisters did an episode about it.

that's what your immune system is for... hahhahahaha

Aoife 0

Today, I embarrassed my daughter while she was on the phone with a friend by asking her if she flushed the toilet after pooping. She didn't answer. A few hours later, while I was on the phone, she loudly said, "Of course I flushed the toilet, mom, I know you didn't potty train me that thoroughly, but some things are easy to figure out." FML. This. Do this. And thankfully, I have two half bathrooms. The toilet is alone in one, the shower and sink in the other. My toothbrush is safe.

_adrenaline 0

FYL bc your mom didn't have the decency to knock...

YDI for taking a crap on your toothbrush.

HunterAlpha1 8

my mom is like this, except it when i'm talking to some pretty girl at some kind of gathering or function, and my mom walks up and starts talking about jesus

39 - Lol, if someone come up to me and asked that I'd laugh.. Sounds like quite an entertaining subject when you put it that way.