By halloweed - 16/11/2011 05:27 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend when he suddenly pulls out and says, "Pull my penis." So I pulled his penis and he farted. Then he started doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 403
You deserved it 7 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CalCommando 6

Should've gone pull my **** and then qweefed.


Nemle22 4

And now you know....DON'T PULL NEXT TIME!!

I have never seen so many down voted comments on one fml. I think its funny! Moment ruiner, but funny. At least you know they're comfortable around each other.

lindseyxrollins 0

I don't see why every one was so negative about this. I think is hilarious. I love how a lot of girls that are like 13 or 14 are commenting on here about their boyfriends. Way too young.

drayloon 50

At least he has a sense of humor