By sothatsano - 16/12/2015 08:56 - United States - Spokane

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend. At the right moment, I got down on one knee. As I was reaching into my pocket to get the ring, she got so freaked out she kicked me in the face. I chipped a tooth and the ring flew off, and now I can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 448
You deserved it 1 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments


How does someone "freak out" so bad they spontaneously become a Rockette, and kick the person they 'love' in the face? Sorry OP, I think that was a no.

Mathalamus 24

How and why does this happen? If it were me, I'd buy an engagement ring with the girlfriend, and try to keep it low key. Also, if that happens, the answer was already yes, so... I don't lose anything.

you don't lose anything, but you are possibly the least romantic person ever.

juturnaamo 29

My husband and I talked about rings and picked them together. It's beautiful and I love it.

Mathalamus 24

Well, I'd rather play it safe than to do a stupid romantic gesture that will likely cause problems.

Not sure why you're getting thumbed down, 49. The very existence of this FML and the fact that I can remember at least a half-dozen along these lines is proof positive that your approach is the best way to go. Don't let the naysayers convince you otherwise!

Depends on the couple. Some people want a surprise, you can try to find ways to figure out what ring they like, what proposals they like and hate, and if how they feel about marriage easily. For some, choosing the ring is better, for others they prefer something their partner chose. Discuss marriage and stuff BEFORE you want to propose if you go for the more surprising

I laughed so hard at the image in my head of this. I'm sorry that happened op.

That was the force telling you that she's not the one.

olpally 32

I'm sorry but I laughed way too hard at this... Lmfao. Sorry op, that's absolutely horrible. Hope you can talk to her about it.

mds9986 24

You can't find the ring or the piece of tooth?

Sorry OP hopefully you get over it soon and talk it out

I hope she said yes after that whole ordeal!

Publikwerks 14

If she said no, give her the dentist bill

OK who freaks out and kick someone in the face? Over react much? It's not like you snuck up on her and frightened her. I think you need someone more mature.