By karlajjjjj - 25/10/2013 12:19 - United Kingdom - Cold Ashby

Today, I was cycling home when I saw my sister, who lives a 4 hour drive away, walking past me on the path. I turned my head and called to her, causing me not to notice the pothole in front of me. My front wheel went in and I went over the handlebars. It wasn't even my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 328
You deserved it 11 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that must have been embarrassing...

Braking before turning your head might have worked better. Just a thought.


yes that's British have cycling lanes EVERYWHERE. you can't move without walking into one. Also OP hit a pothole which I usually assume is in the road. Though perhaps that's just me

shit happens....don't worry about people talking will happen to them eventually...karma is a bitch.

nattlecakes 19

YDI for thinking your sister was in your area just waltzing around lmao

In Australia it is illegal to cycle on the footpath you must cycle on the road. It's really strange.

Ouch hope you caught her attention and got to meet her :p

I voted for this one in moderation, I knew you would get published ^-^

andrealovvve 17

How do you not fully recognize what your sister looks like?? Cause I know I could spot my sister out from far away.

Can't do it in Canada either. You cycle on the road - some roads have designated bike paths on the shoulder, but most don't. Winter weather makes cycling precarious all winter. Asshole cyclists ride in a crowd and don't let cars pass, but zoom through red lights and stop signs, despite the fact that, in Canada, if you have wheels, you're a vehicle, and thus have to follow the same laws as a vehicle (even on rollerblades). Good cyclists wear helmets, ride single file, stay on the bike paths or to the side of the road, and follow effing traffic laws.

Um I do believe its called brakes. Not suppose to take your eyes off the road dip. After doing that, even if it was your sister, she would've probably kept on walking or begin running while acting like she doesn't even know you. I'm sure next time you'll know to stop. ha