This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By charlie3289 - 27/10/2013 05:01 - United States

Today, I was at work when I found an iPhone on the floor. I decided not to turn it into the manager and keep it. Five minutes later, a customer asked if anyone had turned in her missing phone. I said no and began to walk away, when her friend called her phone. It rang. She recognized the ringtone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 744
You deserved it 209 046

Top comments


People that do crap like that disgust me. I mean you know without a doubt that it isn't yours and that it belongs to someone and yet you are going to try to keep it? Not only that but the person actually shows up asking about it and you had to lie about it? The old rule of doing to others as you'd have them do to you.. you know full well you would be spazzing out if you lost your phone, wallet, or something like that and someone decided to keep it because they just wanted to. Then you wind up with some crazy bills because that person decided to go buckwild with what they found because it wasn't theirs so they felt they could do whatever they want. At my job I've found so many things. I've found phones, I've found wallets, I've found purses, keys, credit cards, and you know what? I turn it in as soon as I possibly can. Why? Because it is the right thing to do. Do I do it get a thank you? No. I've only been thanked twice out of all the times I've done it but I still do it. Because I know they are going to be looking like crazy for it. And I know I'd want the same thing if I lost something that someone would return it and not mess with it. So all I can say really is just hope that you do not wind up losing your phone or anything because seeing how you are... you will more than likely wind up having someone find it and keep it and you will be without because that is how you wish to treat others. And you would deserve that treatment.

The OP probably reasoned, "If they wanted it so badly, they wouldn't have lost it in the first place."

94, thank you for being the type of person you are.(: My friend lost his wallet at a biker bar and thankfully someone turned it in. He gave that person a reward, which was turned down (them claiming it was the right thing to do) Just to replace a driver's license is a headache, let alone, all the other items. So an extra thank you for those that rudely didn't do it.(:

EvilDave 13

So, when someone breaks into your house and steals your stuff it will be OK because if you had really wanted your stuff you would have used a better lock and security system, right?

lilly98ish 4

Um u better have gotten fired! And she is lucky she didn't press charges for stealing.... You deserved everybit of it didn't u feel guilty???!

sunnyg6315 0
sunnyg6315 0

Were you really expected sympathy? How do you NOT deserve this?

Goody goody, you left your username OP, now everytime you comment we are going to remember your FML, and make you remember it as well( not it the good way).

if you're going to use a concept like karma, use it right. karma works across lifetimes, not minutes