By Nikse - 29/07/2009 07:23 - United States

Today, I was at the store with my mother in the facial care section. I found this device that scrubs your face with those anti-bacterial pads. The aisle was crowded and noisy, so I shouted to my mother, "Can I have this vibrator thing?" It went silent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 353
You deserved it 52 026

Same thing different taste


YDI for not thinking before you spoke. But I won't say I'm not guilty of the same thing, just laugh it off, no biggie.

blahblah18 0

people probably new what u ment since u were in the facial care aisle....

You have to ask if you can have something? What are you, 12? It's pretty rude to yell in the middle of the store. Especially to your mother. Especially when you're asking her if you can have something. Especially since you didn't ask nicely. I'm assuming that since you were asking, she'd be the one paying for it. It's rude no matter what you yelled. Maybe think before words leave your mouth. YDI.

she yelled cause it was loud and if her mom is paying for it then obviously she does have to ask regardless of her age. And im pretty sure you weren't there to hear her tone and know whether or not she sounded rude... Prick.

oh and your like the perfect ****** person who does everything righ and is oh so nice??? i mean come on perople if you're going to be that serious about everthing then get of the damn computer!!!!

It isn't that hard to walk over to someone and ask them something.

I didnt scream it, just said it slightly louder. And Im 16

Should have just looked at anyone stating at you and went "What? it matches the dong my dad bought me for Christmas."

it is hard to walk over to someone and ask them something if it's too crowded to move. or if the person you want to go over to is like three feet away... then you just talk a little louder. kinda like what the OP did. in fact, exactly what the OP did

tapesculpture 0

btw those vibrating face cleaners don't work D:

letitbe56 0

Why would you even want that? I don't understand. Is some machine supposed to get your face cleaner than you yourself can? That makes no sense.

JennyBee 0

Uh, yes. Obviously, you don't know anything about skincare.

It actually works really well. The vibrating opens up your pores and deep cleans your face. I seriously saw a difference after only using it for a day. But OP, you kind of deserve it for saying 'vibrator thing' instead of the actual product name

no biggie, u weren't in the sex toy isle

Clairina 0

i always do stuff like that and put my foot in my mouth. i just laugh about it. =P