By mochiko - 09/08/2009 07:28 - United States

Today, I was at the mall with my little brother. I saw him touching some expensive objects, so I slapped his arm. I noticed he wasn't my brother when he started crying and his real mom slapped me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 478
You deserved it 56 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like your approach of slap first, ask questions later. You would make a good pimp.

How can this be anything else then a YDI?


indianabummer 0

Wow, dumb. Anyone of the people on here saying sue her have a child? Have some stranger lay a hand on your kid violently and see how you react. She's lucky all she got was slapped. She could sue the woman? For what? Assault? The woman could just counter-sue for child abuse. Seriously people, think here.

judomemo 0

I have simpithy fir you. you thot he was your lik bro and you wanted too keep him outa trouble

Dirtyfaces 0

hahahahahhahahahah that is gucking great !!!!!! if I was the mom I wuda beat ur ass then laughed at the situation!!!

you did her a favor she wasn't looking out for her own kid

OMG! that was so mean of her, but, she was standing up for her child.

CatPerson123 0

To be fair, both OP and the mom were only doing what was right-ish!

mylifeisgreat9 13

I would do the same thing. YDDI!! How would u know it was another child at least you were trying to look out for your family members;)

you shouldn't be slapping your brother anyway. Try using your words like a civilized human being! if somoene slapped my child you bet i would defend him. probably wouldn't slap you, but you would be sorry. YDI