By Motherly Love - 14/08/2011 10:34 - United States

Today, I was at the airport to pick up my mother since my baby is due soon. As she arrived, I smiled wide and opened my arms for a hug, but she walked right by me. Apparently, being pregnant makes me unrecognizable. My husband and I had to tell it her was me, her own daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 229
You deserved it 3 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rorobear6 7

Worlds greatest mom (: haha, congrats on the baby.


iloooovemylife 7

Lol is she old op like really old?

Maybe she really did recognize you, but was waiting for you to recognize her?

stacianichole 2

Outstretched arms & wide smile is a good indicator than OP acknowledged her mom.

And the fact that she walked past OP is a good indicator that the mom didn't recognize her daughter.

perdix 29

Some women go bonkers with the "eating for two" excuse. You don't need to put on 75 lbs. unless you are going to give birth to a calf or a fifth-grader!

TheDrifter 23

Exactly what I was thinking. It's like they forget the second person they're referring to weighs under five pounds for most of the pregnancy.

eWwWwwW i HaT3 pr3gnAnt wom3n!!!!!! tHey'rE sOOO fAt aNd sTufF!!!!!!!! loOkin aT thEm mAkes mE waNNa n3V3r EaT aGAin!!!!!!!!!!! i HoP3 i n3v3R hAv3 tO b3 pR3GnaNt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LolMoqz 10

Seeing your typing makes me want to smash my keyboard in.

Obvious troll is obvious. Come on, really? Try harder than that.

Jet lag maybe? Pregnancy is beautiful, (for other people's wives...ugh! More fat, crazy hormones, constant puking?!? Pass, Thank you).

RainbowHeadache 2

You'll never be able to keep a woman around then. Congratulations. You are a douche.

....ask her how many she had on the plain ride....

bironbaby 0

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