By poop - 21/03/2015 16:47 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was at my Mandarin teacher's house. I had diarrhoea and had to go to the toilet. My mum texted me while I was still in the toilet saying, "We all heard you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 607
You deserved it 2 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel like this is everyone's worst fear

UhHuhHoney 20

Well, be prepared to always have that story be brought up in the future as a funny one haha


Say bukuchi (i cant really remember the pinyin) Its im sorry

I believe he meant 不客气 = you are welcome :)

why would you want to say 不客气 in this situation? unless it's like "you're welcome for the free show"

Sorry, I'm learning Mandarin, and get those ones mixed up all the time.

From the sound of it. I believe he is confused with Sorry and You Are Welcome.

katydid91 31

My worst fear is NOT making it to the toilet. Without going into any further detail, let's just say my fear is completely justified thanks to my tempermental bowels!

I am very sorry, I think everybody has pooped themselves at least once as an adult... If that makes you feel any better haha.

it can't be helped! these things happen! as long as you make sure everything is clean once you leave and you spray like hell, all will be fine!

What was the point of telling you that?

Solution: Put a wad of toilet paper at the bottom of the bowl. Then shit with all your might. Warning: Make sure you have plenty of toilet paper at your disposal. The solution above can backfire horribly if you have no toilet paper to use after taking a silent shit.

Additionally, too much can block the toilet

have you considered having a radio in your bathroom

Well as it wasn't their bathroom I'm not sure it would've made that much of a difference.