By Anonymous - 29/04/2013 07:25 - France

Today, I wanted revenge on my college's drinks machine. For the past two days, it forgot to release a cup before pouring my coffee. This time, I had planned ahead; I put my money in, entered the code, and quickly inserted my own cup. It gave me hot water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 507
You deserved it 48

Top comments

Wizardo 33

A.T.I - Artificial Troll Intelligence

perdix 29

Keep messing with the machine and soon it will dispense pee.


astralvagan 20

Hahaha!!! Trolled by a coffee machine!

This was. Damn good one actually laughed at it out loud. Don't get to so that much thanks needed it oh and sorry about the coffee I hate not having mine might want to stop at a gas station or someplace and try it there

ltaper11 20

INTERESTING! They are learning

When you start to argue with a machine, you automatically lose. Sorry to hear this, OP.

I love coffee but I hate machines. :)

If there was a Timmies in North Carolina, I'd be broke. Well, even more broke than I am now.

Fighting appliances means that you qualify for a white jacket. :)