By lbg2msf - 06/11/2013 18:08 - United States - Biloxi

Today, I walked under a tree and heard birds chirping from above. I stopped and looked up, only to catch a face full of bird shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 839
You deserved it 9 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, it's only Wednesday and you're already getting shitfaced? I wanna party with you, OP!


Never, EVER, look up into a tree when underneath it! Bird shit is the least of the horrors unleashed by trees, especially when you are right underneath them!

Are birds that rare to you? OMG a bird in a tree, must stop.

stuff like this is why I'm scares to walk under birds

cheshireau 26

Well my brother had a bird shit on his birthday cake if that makes you feel bettter