By FreeChocolate - 10/12/2013 01:51 - United States - Marysville

Today, I took my cat to the vet's. When the vet took her temperature anally, I couldn't stop laughing. The vet had to ask me to leave the room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 176
You deserved it 47 652

FreeChocolate tells us more.

I didn't expect to be published! By the way, the cat is the one in my photo. To be fair, the vet asked me if I would like to leave while he did it and I accepted. This was also due to the fact that the cat kept trying to climb into my hood because I'm familiar to her. It was just a routine checkup, she was perfectly fine. I don't blame you for thinking I deserved it, I don't deny it was cruel of me to laugh at her. But she just made the most surprised and indignant face and she was running away from him. She actually did hop off the table and try to escape!

Top comments

karo_mit_k 11

Your cat whould do the same if it was you on the table.

The look on a cat's face when it's having its temperature taken is freaking hilarious!


mansen 15

I am glad my vet has a sense of humour. My pets get their temperature taken every time they go in for a check up. And sometimes the expression on their face, I can't help it. I break out in a giggle. So does the vet. The animals get through it just fine, and get a treat afterwards as a make up treat for an I'm sorry present.

How else would they measure your pets temperature? It doesn't really work any other way...

Don't act like you guys wouldnt chuckle but you seem to have laughed a little too much

I didn't expect to be published! By the way, the cat is the one in my photo. To be fair, the vet asked me if I would like to leave while he did it and I accepted. This was also due to the fact that the cat kept trying to climb into my hood because I'm familiar to her. It was just a routine checkup, she was perfectly fine. I don't blame you for thinking I deserved it, I don't deny it was cruel of me to laugh at her. But she just made the most surprised and indignant face and she was running away from him. She actually did hop off the table and try to escape!

Hahaha that sounds much funnier and more reasonable! I thought you were making a crude joke by the sounds of the FML

Haha, in that case I don't blame you for laughing. I'm sure if the roles were reversed between you and your cat, the cat would get a kick out of it.

I'm sorry, but I would have laughed too! There's nothing wrong with childish humor. If it were hurting the cat, I would have said, wow, you asshole, but it was routine, and I'm willing to bet your cats face was PRICELESS. I laugh at my cats all the time when they do something stupid, or give me the WTF face. Don't feel bad for laughing OP, anyone with a sense of humor would have done the same. Glad kitty's okay!

Jessie2410 15

I'm an exam room tech at a vet clinic. As in, I take temperatures all day long so the vet doesn't have to. Honestly, 90% of the people laugh or make a stupid comment. You're just an average human, no big deal =)

bribre38 9

I've laughed at my dogs thermometer face too. Priceless.

Comet_Candy 23

Op, this is really off topic, but your cat looks exactly like one of my cats :o.

I voted YDI but not because I don't think anyone would laugh I just don't understand 'FML's like this where there's nothing FML about it and is all YDI in this one you laughed, YDI, meh

I'm not even sure where to begin with how wrong this is