By markymark - 17/05/2011 17:36 - United States

Today, I took a final for my law class. As I was taking the test, I noticed the girl on my left copying off me. I wrote all the wrong answers on my sheet while writing the correct answers on my desk hoping she would copy the wrong answers down. I forgot to write the correct answers on my test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 151
You deserved it 69 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

all you had to do was cover your paper...ydi

Hold on; You forgot to write Chuck Norris in your answers?


ILoveTabz 0

I woulda stood up and been like CHEATER!! cause I can't STAND when I can just FEEL someone cheating off me!

how would u have stood up when you can't stand when you so much as feel someones cheating?!

ILoveTabz 0

Op I got a legal problem and am in need of a lawyer, please message me after the exam.

very childish u in grade 6 or something

koolaidman247 3

obviously not dumbass sixth grade doesn't study lawyer stuff and take big exams on that shit what are u in sixth grade or something

33 just got owned by his own joke xD ^win

lmaoatall 6

man, we must have an epidemic of lady cheaters. next time this happens throw a Twinkie at her..... no, wait, that's battery. o what the hell, throw it anyways. your not going to get your bar passed anyways once they match your wrong answers with hers.

why do give a **** if they copy your answers

HahaYDI 0

The same reason why you'd be upset if someone took your lunch money, or something. It's your stuff, why would you want someone to steal it?

not really the same scenario since if you get your lunch or money taken from you, you no longer have the food or the money. but when they cheat off you, you're not losing anything. nothing is really taken away from you.

HahaYDI 0

In the long run, it is. If OP is in high school their competition with other students for a good college is already high enough as it is. If someone cheats they are making themselves look better, and they are making you look only average in comparison. You say it's not a big deal, but it's survival of the fittest, let them sink. That's capitalism for you.

Many times it's not only the person who is cheating who gets punished, but also the person who he/she is cheating off of.

Because if they both have the exact same answers, chances are they will both be accused of cheating. Most schools have a zero tolerance policy on cheating so it would result in not only zeros for both students, but possibly even a suspension or expulsion.

ReynshineCutting 10

Or for the fact that if I spend 8 hours of my life studying for a final, I'm not going to enjoy someone slacking off and expecting me to let them cheat. If they didn't study, they deserve to fail the test. Look at it this way. You probably don't like illegal immigrants using government services that you paid for with your tax dollars when they don't contribute, right? It's the same thing. Why should someone get a free ride off of your hard work?

awesomesauce8 0

thats what you get for writing on your desk

after class be like, "I hope I passed, did you study? cause I didn't!"(: