By AyoitsSteveo - 24/05/2009 09:49 - United States

Today, I thought it would be funny to bother my friend Emily. I kept punching her. She asked if I wanted to fight. I agreed because she's a 15 year old skinny girl and I'm 17 year old buff guy. She beat the crap out of me until I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 924
You deserved it 159 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you pretty much deserve that one.. dumbass

wtfml0715 0

hahahahah nice going this is pretty sad


Uber_G33k 0

Never- and I mean NEVER- underestimate the power of a female. We guys make that mistake too often.

burrito_supreme 0

All i could think of when i read this was "lets bother snape! bother bother bother bother bother!"

iloveroger 0

u deserved that. who punches girls?

Era2EraVTitania 7

I have as much a right to punch a girl as a girl has to punch me ask a better question.

#20; He probably wasn't going to really hit her. Assuming she was weak, he thought she wouldn't be able to hurt him.

didnt your mother ever tell you it was not nice to hit girls you big dummie!

LiveLoveLife_fml 0

and that is what ya get or buying into the whole, men are always stronger than women thing.... hehe xD

SirJohn_fml 0

A 17 years old buff guy who can't spell. YDI.

Why would would you fight a girl in the first place? Idiot YDI x 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999