By Anonymous - 06/10/2013 21:49 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I started to come to during dental surgery. I clearly heard someone behind me say "Shit! Get this fucker back under!" then another person mentioning they'd have to kill me to avoid "another lawsuit", followed by laughter and the blackness of sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 499
You deserved it 3 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Switch dentists, and never go back. That's really creepy...

If they're worried about a lawsuit, they probably don't have insurance. What kind of dentist are you going to anyway?


sounds like the beginning of a horror film

Another lawsuit? Maybe next time you should do a little research on the doctor you're going to. I would consider suing that one if I were you. You've obviously been traumatized.

Suing them for what, exactly? Something you allegedly heard them say, most likely as a joke, while you were under the effects of drugs? Yeah, that'd definitely go in your favour.

Personally, if they did a good job, I'd chalk it up as a dream or a dentist with a sense of humor. I'd have no problem going back.

ViviMage 38

Doctors carry malpractice insurance. And while he probably thought you weren't awake enough, hearing is the last thing to go for the brain.

spiritfang11237 16

if this is heaven i want my refund. This is NOT what I signed up for.

ea247 20

Oh god that's sooo creepy even for me 0.0

vuduguru 5

I was put under for my wisdom teeth being pulled out, I remember them breaking the teeth out of my mouth when I awoke from the obviously light gassing I received, then hear the Dr saying "gas him again" that's about all I remember lol

RadeonDerp 24

They were taking your soul.