By anonYmous - 26/02/2017 08:00 - United States - Boca Raton

Today, I received a phone call from my 91-year-old grandpa. He was lost driving somewhere in my town. I then spent the next few hours trying to teach him how to send his location until his phone died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 033
You deserved it 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IcyDarcy 10

Why didn't you just tell him to park near the first recognizable building he happened to drive past (post office, supermarket, whatever...) and wait for you to meet him there ? I'm pretty sure this would've taken a lot less time and caused the poor old man a lot less stress.

Wouldn't it be easier for him to stop, you pinpoint his location, then you go get him so none of that would have happened?


Jacobus_G 3

I'm guessing there's a lot more to this story my recommendation would be for grandpa to hang up dial nine-one-one and ask them to either come to him or tell him where he is you could call nine-one-one and tell them the situation ask them to help you sort it all out

They make apps where you can track your family's location, mostly so parents can keep track of their kids in case of emergencies. See if he'll give you permission to install one on his phone.