By Bashit - 01/04/2012 01:00 - United States - Bullard

Today, I received a call from the company I applied to, only to have my father pick it up and make fun of the man's accent. They won't call me back or take any of my calls, and my dad is completely unapologetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 538
You deserved it 2 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shitty of your dad to do that, unprofessional for the company to hold that against you. Maybe you're better off.

I didn't know 5 year olds were capable of having kids.


R.I.P xXxIracebethxXx ... Killed in action by atrocious spelling & grammar.

Prick prick prick.. Next time to avoid his immature behavior have them call you on your cell phone.

Jewnut 0

make him get you a cell phone

Your dad is a ********. Totally not cool considering how hard jobs are to get at the moment.

I feel so bad for you right now!!! First of all for losing out on a much needed job!!!! Next for having a Dad who is so unsupportive !!!! Keep ur chin up Honey! Something else will come along! Just make sure you get to the phone before your rude father!!!! Wishing you all the best!!!!

jojimugo 20

It sucks, but now you learned one of the first lessons in a job search: use voice mail instead of relying on other people to take a message for you. Unfortunately, parents tend to be abysmal at taking down phone numbers correctly, getting the name of an interviewer or the time of an interviewer correct. Hell, I would rather have a six year old answer the phone and ask the person to call back later than have my father take another message.

Shadow_Phantom 26

It sounds to me like he just happened to pick up the phone, wasn't taking a message for the OP.

Rocky007 15

If that company's not smart enough to have people that speak clearly make their calls, you're better off not working there.

chels1994 11

That's unprofessional of them to hold that against you, but I understand why they'd be upset over something that was so unnecessary.