By thatsucks - 17/05/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I realized that my father's weekly unemployment check is more than my bi-weekly pay check. My full time job pays less than my father's unemployment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 062
You deserved it 5 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My sister makes more with unemployment than I make with an actual's just stupid.

Sounds like somebody doesn't understand how unemployment works.


#74, I agree. Do you ever notice that the working class does manual labor, and gets paid less than someone who sits on their ass all day?

weefoo 0

i'm not really understanding your point, those are the kind of people that devote their entire life to their work and lose touch with their families and shit. teachers work like, 7am to 2pm, get almost every holiday off, ever, and the entire summer. not to mention at least an hour or two throughout the day. yeah, like i said, pay should reflect how hard you work. thank you for helping prove my point. who is getting paid more sitting on their ass all day?

suaveneanderthal 0

thats exactly what's wrong with the world these days. i bet you're father has a hangnail and he sits on his ass while the rest of us work our asses off everyday. **** this shit that money could be going to far better use

#76 let's see... if you get an office job, you undoubtedly get paid more than the garbage man

weefoo 0

because if you have an office job, you went to college. if you're a garbage man, you probably didnt finish high school. and yeah, i'm pretty sure college graduates should make more than high school dropouts. once again, thanks for helping with my point.

chroniclurker 0

Whatever you do, don't take that as incentive to quit your job.

That's not my point. I'm saying just because you work harder on a daily basis doesn't mean you get paid more. That's all. And by the way, some office jobs, like a receptionist who answers phones, or a filing clerk, don't require a college degree, and still earn more.

lovebear884 0 know that the amount you get for unemployment is based on how much you made at your previous job. Meaning that he probably made more than you did to begin with.

#76- False. Teachers are typically required to stay in the school grading and having conferences from 7am-4pm. That is a longer day than the typical 9-5 of the corporate world. Athletes work for 3-4 months, earning more in one year than most teachers will in their entire career, and directly benefiting the lives of absolutely no one. It's absolutely disgusting that you would imply that a teacher, who impacts the outcome of the lives of hundreds of children every year and is single handedly responsible for the education of thousands of people throughout their career is less deserving of reward than someone who throws a ******* ball through a hoop. That people who go to work everyday with the goal of to creating a better, more educated world are less deserving than the person sitting in the penthouse office scheming ways to make himself more ******* money. You represent everything that is wrong with this country, and most countries: the belief that entertainment and profit is more important than real humanitarian progress and gain. I hope they revoke your right to vote.

For anyone who explained how unemployment works, thank you. For those going "oh what a lazy ass", he isn't lazy, he most likely got laid off of a good paying job, and now will be given a percent of what he once earned for a bit so he has time to find a new job. Unemployment only lasts 26 weeks, I believe, which is awhile, but not THAT long. and whoever said raised the minimum wage must of never taken any economics classes.