By Kimberly - 22/10/2009 12:26 - France

Today, I realized that I lie to my friends online and go "offline" for hours at a time so it appears that I have a life outside of the internet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 075
You deserved it 35 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments



Haha dude... do NOT feel bad. Seriously. I do that all the time except with my real life friends because I love my internet friends better. I would much rather live in a virtual world then in one where people can judge you because your fat and lazy and you work at taco bell and your hobbies are eating, farting, and smelling wet dogs. Seriously, wet dogs smelll sooo good.


It's completely normal. Don't feel bad. Everyone wants to seem cool. I do. Everyone does. And don't worry at all about what your online friends think. They like you so feel free to be on whenever you want.

EveryDayJackAss 0

....really? i do this all the time, except that everyone that knows me knows i have nolife, so i win :D, and you are ******.

Get a job? Go shopping.. make cake... visit people.. the internet is boring except for coming on here to laugh at all of this bahahahaha

if they were really your friends you wouldn't have to pretend.

it's never too late to create a real life outside of the Internet

Stop complaining. You made your own life choices.

If you are off-line any way, why not go out and have a life? It would not be a lie any longer. What are you doing instead; logging on as someone else?