By someonepleasehelpme - 18/07/2014 16:49 - United States - Centreville

Today, I ran into my boyfriend of 5 years. The weird thing was that he was supposed to be in Iran. The even weirder thing was that he was with his wife and kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 819
You deserved it 5 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell his wife! otherwise he will keep doing it..


A wife and even worse kids! I really wonder how that conversation went :(

This seems to happen often on FML...but that's what the site is about...just hope it's a look alike OP...

ostfaiz 18

you are one daring girl OP, 5 YEARS!! heck lot of time :-

Iran. No thanks Iwalk... No.... Bad joke?...

Oman, are you sure this Israel? I say Egypt you.

martin8337 35

Yes, pun intended good one.

dta143 7

What a coincidence, you should go say hi to them.

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

How does that happen? You didn't once suspect, in the FIVE years you were with him, that something was up? How could he have hidden a wife and kids for 5 years?! Or did he acquire the wife and kids after you guys got together?

Vanessa_Leeann26 17

Ok, that might work., but I don't think that's the case in Op's situation.

His family probably lives out of the country.

this honestly doesn't surprise me. that happened with my parents.. my dad was caught cheating on my mom while he was supposed to be working in Iran. although I love my country, Iranian men are dicks.

sorry OP :( why was he supposed to be in Iran?