By Deaththreat101 - 08/08/2012 20:39 - United States - Evanston

Today, I posted a Facebook status on how I hated the new Batman movie. I'm now single, and have received multiple threats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 382
You deserved it 44 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, what did you expect? Batman is awesome!

Everyone's entitled to their own opinions- just not that opinion!


Rhondaplp 11

I can't believe people still post every little thing that pops up in their mind on facebook. YDI.

Okay, so if OP had wrote a raving status about how much he liked the movie, would that not be the same situation? How would Facebook even work if people didn't write about stuff? If the only statuses you ever wrote about were serious stuff like deaths in your family or saying you had a kid, etc, how empty would the news feed be?

If you post a negative comment towards The Dark Knight you're not going to have a good time.

He's not hating on Batman, he is saying he didn't like the movie. Who the **** cares what your taste in movies is? Let this brony enjoy his MLP in peace! Ha... But seriously, chill the **** out.

How...? Who would...? I can't form this into proper words. But you disgrace human kind. CHRISTIAN BALE FOR ****'S SAKE. People in this generation. -___-

My generation had the best batman, Michael Keaton. However Christian does play a better Bruce Wayne.

conholio33 28

I didnt care for it either.... Looked dumb

Those people in Colorado went to see the new Batman movie but all they got... Was a few clips

That's a little insensitive don't you think?

That's so wrong on so many levels. I think you really need to think of the victims before even joking about that, young kids died! You find that funny??? I'm so raged by your comment that I can't say enough without lowering myself to your level!!!

Easy tiger, they just didn't like the look of the movie. I simply loved it. Their loss, right?!

No where did he say he was laughing at the shooting. He just said he didn't care for the actual movie.

Those people in Colorado went to see the new Batman movie but all they got... Was a few clips

I loved it but everyone is allowed an opinion...even if it is wrong :p FYL.