By Foufinator - 04/10/2009 19:33 - France

Today, I ordered a chicken sandwich. I was starving and it was the fastest thing to order. Half way through it, I found something which does not belong, and removed it. It was half a cockroach, and I don't know where the other half is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 129
You deserved it 3 558

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Expertfail 0

Maybe it was a really deformed half-cockroach? Or maybe you ate it.


Christ... if that happened to me id be too busy talking to my lawyer and probably vomiting to post that on here.

dspadres 0

I betcha I know where the other half is... and I'm not telling.

delfinofrank 0

What's the big deal? Don't you disgusting liberal French socialists eat snails and frog legs? A bowl full of bugs should be an afternoon snack for y'all.

Don't you conservative ***** wear swastikas and hate anyone who doesn't believe like you?

291togo 0

Scientifically speaking, cockroaches are among the cleanest insects in the world. Flies on the other hand, vomit everytime they land/eat. So you're good to go.

tristangage 0

Three reasons why flies do not vomit every time they land: (1) There are some 90,000 different species of flies in the world, and they have all sorts of different feeding strategies. It's like saying "birds have razor-sharp talons and beaks they use to tear their prey apart" instead of specifying that you're talking only about bald eagles. The particular factoid you've heard presumably refers to the house fly, Musca domestica, and has little or no relevance to the remaining 90,000 species. (2) House flies secrete saliva whenever they attempt to feed, but they don't attempt to feed every time they land. They only do so when they're in need of nutrients, and the chemical sensors on their feet and/or antennae inform them that they may be standing on a source of nutrients. (3) Strictly speaking, vomiting is the regurgitation of stomach contents, and house flies never regurgitate their stomach contents. What they do is technically spitting (or drooling), not vomiting. By the way, house flies don't spread disease by spitting on your food, disgusting as that sounds. The disease comes from their feet when they land on your food after they've earlier been feasting on manure or viscera or other bacteria-laden goodies.

hehe u sound like my science teacher

Well, you know what they say. Everything tastes like chicken.

mizu22 0

it might not have been in the sandwich *crosses fingers for you*. and flies don't vomit when they land, they poop ;)