By Fml24609 - 09/08/2010 08:29 - United States

Today, I misspelled the word "failure" in front of all my co-workers. Now I'm not given any writing tasks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 815
You deserved it 32 624

Same thing different taste


No more writing tasks? That's a good thing!

yakyak132 0
danilo16 0

dude...idk what to tell you XD

tmmundy 17

I totally agree with # 1 & 8. FAIL

are you sure that's how you spell failure?

you might want to look it up next time before you say it out loud

It's pretty silly that they won't give you any writing tasks because of one misspelled word. It IS a pretty basic word, but I understand the concept of "brain farts" and misspelling something even though you know how to spell it. Sorry, OP!

jrarndt17 0

how did you spell it? I spelt it as failyure before.