By Ya - 10/05/2009 14:18 - United States

Today, I missed my flight because I was stopped by airport security. They found "small, suspicious, spherical objects" in my purse on the X-ray. After pulling me out of line, taking my purse aside and carefully opening it with tongs, they removed the bag of grapes I had packed as a snack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 266
You deserved it 11 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dino_witha_cape 0

yeah, if you bite into those things they could squirt someone's eye out

Jcsati8 0

If you pack baby carrots, will they think you are carrying ammo? Damn airport security!


kellster 2

Well, if you missed all of the rules about liquids/gels/things with liquids or gels in them in the past two years, then I guess FYL. Otherwise, you totally deserved this one. As someone who flies frequently, I have to say that there's nothing more obnoxious than some douchebag who forgot the no liquids rule and packed something in their carry-on that's obviously against the rules and holds everyone behind them up. You also can't bring fruit from one country to another, unless it's already inside you when you go through security. Now you know.

you can't bring food on the plane anyways nor fruit

YDI for not knowing you can't bring food on planes

Don't show up at the very last minute for your flight next time. You know they're going to be power-hungry assholes.

YDI for thinking you can get away with having such dangerous things on a plane. Are you insane? What if those grapes were dropped? You potentially endangered the lives of yourself and everybody on that plane. You think that you should be allowed to have grapes on a plane, but what if a terrorist brought grapes on board? It's people like you that allow the terrorists to win.

You definitely deserve it if that caused you to miss your plane.

As per the other responses: the only time you have trouble with food on a plane is taking it from the plane into another country. You can't take produce into another country without declaring it, but nothing stops you taking it onto the plane. Domestic flights have no "other" country involved, so not an issue. As to the OP, how long did they take to check your bag for grapes....seriously, that can't have been more than 5 minutes to open the bag and find the grapes. If that cost your flight, then you were just way too late anyway. I got stopped once for hair-product; all the scan showed was a "round, organic substance". That took all of 2 minutes, because they asked me to open my bag and show them a particular section of it. Once I opened the container, and they checked, all was good.


Lol I wonder what they said when they saw the grapes. It must've been like ....................yeah.....proceed.