By Anonyme - 26/02/2013 15:16 - Indonesia - Jakarta

Today, I’m on vacation with my boyfriend in Bali. He didn’t want us to take pictures together because, "If we break up, I’ll be bummed to see you on my pictures." FML
I agree, your life sucks 688
You deserved it 69

Top comments

I'm not an expert but I'd say that relationship won't last long

LOL, you have to commend him for his honesty.


nicolai44 12

Be sure to get copies of all of his pictures. When he breaks up with you, give them all back to him...after Photoshopping yourself into every one of them...

No, he just doesn't want his real girlfriend to see him there with a woman instead of his family like he told her.

so fml publishes fmls from 2013 3 years later

Sounds like a key a red flag. But take pics with and without each other, maybe?

KrazyKlownNinja 12

Wow didn't have very much confidence in the relationship

smartjaguargurl 17

Sounds like he is already cheating and doesn't want the pics of u guys together on social media. Let me guess, u are footing more than half the expenses of your vacation together.......Dump that loser!

Dump him immediately! He is obviously already considering this and you don't wan to waste your time OP. Good luck on this!