By adogg18 - 29/05/2011 08:12 - United States

Today, I let my son drive us home. After just 10 feet, he crashed into a parked cop car. It was my squad car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 287
You deserved it 15 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

macallan8 0

hahaha and how old is your son?


cindayy77 0

are you kidding? cops are pretty awesome, the risk their lives to protect us.

lmaoatall 6

next time you're in trouble, call a crackhead for help!

doc_j 0

i agree with you cops have a sense of self entitlement and feel they rule the world but 99% are useless and had no real skill in life so they became a cop. most couldnt even get into college so now there pissed at the world.

sxe_beast 11

Wow, just wow. Where do I start with this? First off, A LOT of law enforcement officials I know have college degrees. A lot of them hold criminology/criminal justice degrees because that's what they've wanted to do their entire lives. They didn't just think "Well I failed at life lets go be a cop". I've met a few who hold law degrees or psychology degrees. One of my friend's father decided that he wanted to become a cop because his parents were murdered. His family is super wealthy and he could have done anything with his life, but he decided to work for the police department. Officers come from all walks of life and have varying reasons for wanting to become cops. I'm so glad that you think that the police officers who lost their lives on 9/11 are useless. Or the police officers who have died in the line of duty to protect our country are useless.

doc_j 0

wow ok there were 23 police officers killed on 9/11 and just cause i think most are useless does not mean i want any of them to die. that being said just because they were caught in a horrible situation didnt make them saints while they were walkin the earth. thats the best thing about america, freedom of speech and opinion. an i promise that i wont be the last dumd ass to express feelings like this

kingjames2306 0

you must be a stupid young punk that gets in trouble so you hate on cops

doc_j 0

false actually 25 years old 7 years in the military never arrested as amatter-of-fact never had a speeding ticket. just my opinion. happy memorial day weeked

#64 I have a few friends who decided to become cops and they had to go to college to be able to, so saying that cops can't even get into college is completely rediculous. I can understand people hating cops though because there are alot who kind of abuse their power, especially towards teenagers but I think you're being extremely harsh on them for someone who seems to have never actually dealt with cops. You haven't gotten in trouble with them in any way, yet you hate them completely it seems...that's a bit odd to me.

64- if you'd do your research, you'd learn that most departments won't take anyone without a college education. It must suck to go through life with a chip on your shoulder.

Wow, Doc_j rants on how cops have very little education, yet he has already 7 years experience in a profession that does not even require you to finish highschool.

FMLandurstoo 9
nocanhaz 4

You might want to get his eye sight checked out. Because if he can't see a car that isn't even 10 feet away, that's not safe.

holymolybro 0

Well, have fun reporting that.

haha did u test ur sons blood alcohol level?

Kitkatrehab 0

Exactly what I was thinking!