By adrenochrome - 09/02/2009 09:21 - Lithuania

Today, I learnt that nail polish remover is, in fact, VERY flammable. And I learnt it the hard way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 900
You deserved it 43 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i guess you learnt that you can get bernt pretty easily if you dernt have a brain

billybob12345 0

Ya, and so is gasoline for future reference. To bad you didn't die. Would have proved Darwin right.


"learnt" is not a word..."learned," however, is.

Maybe if you had learnt from the admin post above, you'd know how much of a dumbass you are.

given the fact that the OP is Lithuanian, I think it's pretty obvious that she is. Very competently.

Guitarist45 0

Nah, it only says: WARNING: CONTENTS VERY FLAMMABLE right on the box. dumbass

XanimalloverX 0

Dude it says in all caps WARNING EXTREMLY FLAMMABLE. Did that not make it clear enough for you dumbass? Even my cousin who is 6 knows it's flammable

ledzepfreak 0

yea Lithuanian XD lmao wow nice

i read for that on almost evrything. i like seting things on fire

Propayne 0

Lol is it possible to learnt something?