By SkiMaskFukd - 07/05/2010 13:25 - United States

Today, I just realized the harder my girlfriend comes during sex, the louder she snores after. I've tried earplugs but sometimes, like tonight, once I am up, I can't fall back to sleep. My choices are thus great sex and no sleep, or great sleep but no sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 245
You deserved it 5 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments


jakefml33 0

ydi for spelling cum wrong

masked812 0

How is this a FML. I get great sex but having trouble sleeping. They have pills for that if it's that bad.

OP must have missed the FML where the wife complained her man found if he holds her hand she snores less. It wouldn't hurt to try various anti-snore aids. OP should also consider there is an underlying medical issue and hopefully a resolution before considering dumping her.

Well, compared to other FMLs, its like saying you make over $100,000 a year, and the more you make, the ruder you butler gets. Don't complain, OP, you deserve to give orgasms, just try something to help snoring.