By JiggaJayZ - 29/10/2012 18:10 - United States

Today, I jokingly asked my girlfriend what she got me for my half birthday, to which she replied "A baby." She was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 678
You deserved it 29 205

JiggaJayZ tells us more.

Nope she's prego. Broken condom. And we even took a morning after and that didn't work so yeah FML

Top comments

It's not completely her fault. It takes two to tango.

Wrap it before you tap it! Why would anyone have a half birthday?


Quimpo 14

You should take that as a blessing bro

jtrazor 3

Wtf is a half birthday? You deserve it just because you think half birthdays are important jackass

Haha, thats like what happened with my sister,, "how are you" I say.. Her answer.. "pregnent.." she was also serious

Special_Psycho 8

Be happy dude! You're gonna be a dad! And it could be worse, it could be--nope. Not gonna say it if you don't want kids. And remember, she can get an abortion if neither of you want the kid.

You deserve it for expecting a gift on your half birthday. The only people that should ever celebrate a half birthday are kids who's birthdays are during the summer. You child.

Okay all of you who are saying he's an ass for expecting a gift for his half b-day are all dumb asses because he said that he "JOKINGLY asked"!

Uhhm, a child is a gift, you sick *****.

Maybe, but to some people, it could be like getting the "gift" of a car when you don't have a driver's license, can't afford insurance, and didn't want one anyway because you find your life is simpler and more fulfilling without it.

Is what happens when you miss a health class, or you're just ignorant.

oh that's bad. but best of luck with that