By nothowscienceworks - 13/11/2015 07:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I had the mother of a five year old come in for parent teacher conferences. When I told her that her son was very smart, but he often made up fantastical stories about his home life, she burst into tears. She then ran out of my office crying, "I knew it! I knew he was a sociopath!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 940
You deserved it 1 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because no child ever made up a story or has an imagination without having a mental disorder...

Wizardo 33

Guess he inherited the smarts from his dad.


JohnnyWake0 13

Why do all the comments say something is wrong with the mother in this situation? What if she's coming home to dead dogs in her bed or something? Stop assuming when you don't even know the whole situation.

So a mother comes home to read dogs but an active imagination is the nail on the coffin for being a sociopath? Really?

I think this is more of a FML for the five year old.

You cannot label a kid with any type of Antipersonal Social Disorder under around 18-ish when the mind finally develops fully

According to a lot of professionals, the brain isn't "fully" developed until the age 25, rather than 18, but that's not to say a person isn't mentally "mature". Kind of changes the perception of the term adult VS legal adult....although we all know most 14-16 ish year olds believe they are adults or "grown up enough" to be able to do adult things (sadly).

gatorgirl7563 22

Doesn't she realize that all young children are sociopaths?