By ICantBelieveThis - 06/03/2010 14:31 - United States

Today, I had sex with my girlfriend in her room. That means: Jonas Brothers posters on the wall, Jonas Brothers pillows, sheets, comforter and stuffed dog. After we did it, she apologized to her posters for having to see that, since they're pure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 355
You deserved it 8 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jonas bros. how old is she. You sure she is legal age??

dphilipson12 0

you ******* a 7 year old?! dump her ass man!


After that comment I hope you appologized to her for upsetting her posters, and then for dumping her in front of the posters. Someone this obsessed should not walk around unsupervised and needs to be on meds.

I hate the Jonas Brothers. And your gd sounds creepy.

deanomiye 0
jayde214 0

YDI for not knowing the difference between their and they're. and for raping a child.

There is actually a JoBro dog. I don't think that all their fans are young. Actually I have a group of friends that like them that are over 20yrs old. And they aren't crazy. Poor OP at the part that his GF was saying sorry to the posters. Dear, your GF is a crazy fan to say sorry to piece of paper for having sex infront of it. And after all JoBros DON'T CARE about what their fans do.

ndiesal 0

it's a phase, she'll grow out of it...hopefully...maybe...

Hayley3412 0

Bahahha! Hey I'm going to the concert tommorw:))

OMG LUCKYYYYY. ive been to 3. but i havent been since july ):