By loquacious shit stain - 07/02/2013 17:11 - Australia

Today, I had drinks at a friend's house before going out to a concert. I still had a bottle of beer left, so I brought it along with me. I got kicked out five minutes into the show for bringing my own drink, which is apparently against the rules. I paid $75 to get kicked out over a $3 drink. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 745
You deserved it 47 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you're at least 21, so you weren't born yesterday. You must just be stupid.

You deserve it. if you can't bring alcohol into any building, or food and drinks to the movies, what would make you think you could bring alcohol to a concert?


I'm surprised at all the YDIs. Sure, we all know the RULES about bringing drinks to concerts, but what happened to our sense of rebellion? You get kicked OUT now? Gosh, usually if I get caught I just get the drink confiscated. Also, it's just a ploy to charge $10 per beer. Worthless. Way to go, OP, stick it to the man.

Anybody who has tried something like this generally knows that you usually don't get kicked out unless you make a scene. That's probably where all the YDI's come from.

rebellion isnt bringing a beer into a venue.." oh $10 for a beer I'll show you I'll bring my own beer in" oh yeah so rebellious..if paying $10 is too much just do what damn near everyone does at concerts and sporting up early and get hammered in the parking lot

I was in line at a sold out show in the early 80's. A cop rode up to me on horseback as I was tilting a quart of beer. Before he could finish the sentence " son, this isn't Bush Gardens" I had finished pouring it out on the ground. You're not in trouble until he gets off the horse.

Aren't there usually large signs at venues stating NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK? Right near the "NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY" signs? And seriously-bringing a beer to a concert isn't "edgy" or "rebellious" or any of that other crap. It's stupid. Broken glass on the ground at a crowded venue can often lead to injuries. You gambled, and lost. Sucks to be you.

.it should be obvious that it aint allowed. but throwing you out was a bit mean. they could've said that it ain't allowed, and just taken your drink.

old enough to buy beer..hell i'll go as far as old enough to know what beer is and you dont know that is against the rules for damn near every venue on earth. YDI

Satoaoi 13

well next time get drunkk at the concert not before. then you won't need a drink to bring in the first place

You don't leave the house much, do you?

Let this be a $75 lesson: Read the rules, and follow them. Whatever happens, it will in the end, be your own choice.

Common sense. Generally, you can never bring alcohol into events.

I thought it was common knowledge not to bring your own drinks. Also, $75 is pretty cheap for a concert ticket.