By seizuregirl17 - 19/11/2013 15:00 - United States - Boston

Today, I had a seizure in class. Being an epileptic, I had warned my professor of the possibility that I could have one in class. She was understanding and seemed very concerned about my issue at the time. After I had the seizure, however, she asked me if I had ever tried exorcism. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 509
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask if she'd ever tried science?

I tried Science once. Once. It tasted like bitter tears and soul-crushing sorrow. Try History instead. I've heard it tastes of forgotten dreams and endless hopes.


I used to get non epileptic seizures, and I was often told I needed an exorcism too. Sucky part is my seizures were actually caused by an anti-seizure medicine

People usually leave off the "to leave" part.

B1ackthesun 31

I thought the leaving part was kind of a given #92.They're not exactly throwing the demonic soul a house warming party.

martin8337 35

Who does your professor think you are, Linda Blair or domething?

elfie82 2

Omg!! My child is epileptic! Good to know that even when she gets old enough to be in Uni i will STILL be fighting fucktards such as this!!!

As someone who has epilepsy and has to tell all my professors, I would report her to her boss. That's a horrible thing to say and she needs to be reprimanded. I'm really sorry OP - FYL.

sb601 9

I agree with you. Just report her OP.

conholio33 28

Thats not a nice thing to say to some one with epilespy... Having epilespy myself i can understand people thinking your possed

#70 as do I. I even do the sign of the cross and say it in Italian and Portuguese