By Kybo5 - 08/02/2013 05:45 - United States - Elk Grove

Today, I had a ride along in an ambulance. Being observant, I thought it was funny that a patient had to vomit. That was until I realized they couldn't control where they had to vomit. I spent the rest of the ambulance ride holding a vomit bag in front of the woman's face. Not so funny anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 891
You deserved it 56 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not quite sure how someone needing to vomit is funny...


NewFire911 5

Maybe the medical field isn't for you if you think it is funny that someone needs to vomit. Signed, Paramedic & EMS Instructor

If you're on an ambulance to "observe", I'm assuming you're looking into the medical field in some aspect. Now that's going to be very difficult without empathy. Hopefully this experience has caused you to realize that.

execuse me but i DO think you are a scum

PhishloverA 14

How was someone having to vomit, especially a sick patient, funny?

PhishloverA 14

You deserved to have to hold the bag

Sorry, but you really deserved it how is it funny that someone needed to vomit? I hope you have to vomit one day and someone laughs at you

Squeaky_Tomato 14

You're a dick. A sick patient is nothing to make fun of. I hope you never find a job in the medical field with that attitude. I would hate for you to be anywhere near my ambulance.