By oh_its_true - 18/09/2009 19:23 - United States

Today, I had a blind date with a girl someone in my office set me up with. Before the waitress returned with our drinks, this girl asked me to go to her parent's house and pretend to be the father of her yet unborn child because the real father is a drug addict and in jail for stealing her dad's car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 128
You deserved it 3 413

oh_its_true tells us more.

To those who think she made it up to get out of the date...i initially thought the same thing too. so i said "listen, you dont have to make up some crappy story like you are on Jerry Springer. I am old enough to be told the truth." So then she started crying. Loudly. Which made everyone look at me like I was some jerk for making her cry. She then tells me its all true and she doesnt know what to do. I tell her maybe jail will straighten her man out and get him straight. I got up and walked out, passing the waitress who was on her way to our table with our drinks (to be fair, she ordered a coke)...i tossed around $40 on the tray and hit the door running. i later remembered that i left my gloves on the table... that is a totaly true story.

Top comments

rakhil11 7

Ah, geez. FYL. But the girl's life is ****** way more than yours.


randomoutburst 0

I think the girl is wanting this guy to pretend that HE is the baby's father, NOT the criminal she described. As in, her parents don't already know who the father is.

i hope you said yes, went o her house, and upon meeting the father, told him "hi, your daughter had asked me to come here, posing as her boyfriend. Her real boyfriend is a drug addict and was the one that had stole your car. Also, say hello to his and her baby for me when its born." and then walked out.

waterynuggets 0

How is YOUR life ****** here? Dumbass.

wow that actually really funny u should c a red light flashing and run and as for her she must of been high to have even dateing that total faliure the kid is gonna have some major issues when he/she grows up

Prendergast 0

ok her life is the one whose is messed up...

Wow. Classy. You go on an innocent date, and suddenly she wants you to be her baby daddy. At the very least she should give up the back door before you meet the parents, just to makes things fair.

ithedarkone 0

That's when you throw down the tips for the drinks and walk away quickly... or what i would do ask for the bathroom then get the f out of there... or Third choice your a crazy bitch and just walk out of there...

lmao you would be realy stupid if u say yes cos wat if her parents makin you marry her then u have to pay for child support etc... your life life will be more f*** sometimes sympathy for people get us into shit