By Nakdnathan - 16/09/2009 16:19 - United States

Today, I got written up for not making a drink right. While getting yelled at by my boss, my co-worker made the drink the same exact way I made it. I pointed it out. My boss responded with, "He is allowed to because I like him, I don't like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 060
You deserved it 3 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pickwick716 0

You made a fine drink and imma let you finish, but your colleague made one of the greatest drinks of all time!


wilt 0

Did you respond with an appropriate punch to his throat?

go to the higher boss and report this abuse but in the meantime, find another job....karma can take her sweet ass time gettin back at a prick like your boss trust!

YDI for not throwing the drink in his face... not really, but you definitely should quit or report him.

Sounds like you work at Starbucks. I feel ya.

Sounds like my Boss...she fired me via phone yesterday. Many ppl get away with worse crap than I had ever done, but I was the one who got fired. Yeah, I know how u feel. (really i do). Good luck!!

You're not paranoid. The whole world DOES hate you!

It just goes to show you that getting along with people gets you further in life than being smart. You can be right and do a good job 100% of the time but if you're an ass about it then you won't get a promotion.

Sounds like the boss wanted a ******* and you weren't willing to oblige. But maybe the other guy was...

I can't vote either way. For all I know he has a damn good reason to hate you, and I respect that he's ballsy enough to tell you straight up.