By Cody - 30/04/2011 06:13 - United States

Today, I got pulled by a cop because I forgot to put my registration sticker on. I get nervous around authority and have nervous shakes. I ripped the registration sticker 3 times trying to put it on. The cop then gave me a ticket for "Improper Equipment". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 728
You deserved it 7 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"with hands that shaky i have an idea on how you can get out of this ticket"

Hmmm, which equipment was he referring to???


Wait, op is a he? I can understand a girl reacting like this (not sexist) but what a wuss...

invicta8926 0

some cops are ASSHOLES (some).'

jane79 0

you should of released your trunk monkey. lol he would beat the cop n you could of got away

when Chuck Norris jumps into a river he doesn't get wet, the water get Chuck Norrised

why get nervous. unless you have a reason to be you shouldn't worry.

You know what you need OP? Valium. Lots of valium.

RoxxyHustle 7

maybe you shouldn't be on the road. . . . .you're kind of a spaz.

TempestRain 0

First he pulls you, then he makes fun of your equipment? Dang, I never had a cop treat me that way. lol

mintcar 9

26, I like your icon. My thoughts exactly.