By First World Problems - 08/01/2016 14:34 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I got my wisdom teeth out. Afterwards, my parents thought it would be a great idea to have my favourite meal. I got to watch them enjoy it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 459
You deserved it 1 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You could always remind them that you're the one who gets to pick their nursing home.

watching someone else eat your favorite meal is the worst.


Wow, your parents are really inconsiderate. Try to get them to make it again after you've healed

Alup132 22

Or maybe they thought OP wouldn't hurt eating it, but instead it turns out OP couldn't eat it.

I'd be sooo angry. Especially if it were done on purpose.

TabooSushi 24

That is entirely screwed up. See, when my husband had his out, I made it a point to eat all the dinners he usually hates but I love, while providing him with all the delicious soft foods he wanted. Win-win.

I had so many mixed feeling while reading your comments. Thankfully I left with being happy.

They've already acknowledged that in their username you nob.

Did they doit on purpose or did they just kind of forget?

bad_boyfriend 10

I feel you OP. This year on my Bday, my mom called me and invited me to dinner. It was last minute and I already had plans so I declined and made plans for a few nights later. The night I declined her and my brother had my favorite meal. A few nights later when we all met for my "birthday celebration" she made my brothers favorite meal, which I'm not at all a fan of.

leogachi 15

@24 Your mom is an ass. Did she expect you to drop your plans at the last minute? If she really wanted to celebrate your birthday on your birthday then she should have asked days beforehand.

as someone who had their wisdom teeth out recently, I could still eat anything, just couldn't use a straw.

Depends, if they were impacted there might be stitches, and those make it about impossible to chew anything harder than oatmeal.

writergirl1029 17

I can attest to #29. Due to having braces and the irregular rate that mine grew in, I had mine done in three separate surgeries. The first and second time I was eating pretty much normally the second day (the drugs made me sick on the first day). The last one was impacted and I was eating soup and soft foods for more than a week.

It also depends on how badly bruised your jaw is. Mine was green for a week, and I could barely move it without pain. My wisdom teeth were bad.

leogachi 15

@27 Not if her doctor told her not to eat solid foods.

Take whatever they're eating, toss it in a blender, and hit purée. Don't let them win!

brendejafulable 41

same situation happened to me. but I tried eating and my mouth started bleeding. but still was worth it.

I gave you a down vote for ducking. I wish I could give you another one for using your phone while you drive. How do I know that, you ask? You took a selfie in a car. Only broads who have unnatural addictions to thier phones take selfless in cars. Ergo, you are addicted to your phone, which means you obviously use it while driving.

leogachi 15

@38 How do you know she took a selfie in a car? Did she change her picture?

brendejafulable 41

if you were smart enough, you would have figured out I am in the passenger seat.