By shitttyyyday - 14/01/2012 07:47 - United States

Today, I got my period at school. I didn't notice until a boy asked me if I'd killed someone in my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 832
You deserved it 4 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Airman1988 9

I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die.

*cuts both wrists* i'll tell you in a week


bubo_fml 10

Tell everybody you just got out of art class where you forgot to wear a smock & accidently spilled paint on your pants...

The joys of womanhood. Make sure you keep track of it on a calendar or with an app on your cell. Hope that boy will be sensitive to your situation.

aww its okay... that almost happened to me :P

Psychology_13 8

What a clever way to describe it :)

What an asshole.. And who every clicked you deserve it.. Is stupid... How did she deserve it? Being a teenage girl is hard

shit happens it happened to me the first time I had my period...I carry pads and tampons with me everywhere

Ow, I feel for you OP, one of my friends had that happen to her in school. She had white pants on. So, I ran up behind her and thank God no one noticed! I suggest getting on the pill, because it regulates your cycles and you always know when you will have it! It also helps with the pimples and mood swings.

Wow that would suck but ur lucky that guy told u ,u could of went all day without knowing altho I don't see how u would of . Wouldn't u of felt the cramps or felt wet from the blood