By ekoblick - 17/06/2011 04:34 - United States

Today, I got food poisoning from my wedding food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 355
You deserved it 3 920

Same thing different taste


And this is why you don't cut costs and have Filiberto's cater your wedding.

xk75 4

I wouldn't b so quick to blame the caterer, the last time I went to the ER with what I thought was food poisoning from a restaurant the doctor told me that food poisoning takes longer to incubate that the amount of time between my eating at that restaurant and getting sick. while you get more information, cancel the check or cc charge to be safe though.

SwaggerMelon 6

That sucks! Hope you were able to have fun before that happened & that all your guests didn't get it too. It is something you'll probably laugh at down the road. Congratulations on the marriage!

does anyone else see the obvious sign?

five bucks it was your new hubbie . reality just hit him , why get married when there are hookers ?

amybaby9090 0

:( that's horrible. feel better :)

oh... OP, that's not food poisoning, it's morning sickness. SURPRISE!

so I'm guessing the same happened to you at your wedding huh?