By Anonymous - 03/09/2010 21:00 - United States

Today, I got fired for taking time off to see my sister in the hospital after she got in a car accident. Before I got fired, I found out my boss took time off because her horoscope said she should. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 650
You deserved it 2 663

Same thing different taste


File a suit. the family and medical leave act of 1993 explicitly prevents employers from doing this sort of thing. your boss will also likely lose her job.

Not true. The Family Medical Leave Act (or FMLA-- Ha!) only applies to caregivers tending to immediate family, which is defined as a parent, child, or spouse. Just visiting a sister in the hospital doesn't qualify OP as a caregiver, and the sister doesn't qualify as immediate family unless OP's her legal guardian. There are also other restrictions; FMLA only applies to companies with 50+ employees, (excluding federal, state, and local public agencies, which have no employee threshold); and to employees who have worked both 12+ months and 1,250+ hours in the last 12 months at that job. Really, people, the internet is a big help with this stuff. It doesn't take long to check the facts before giving advice. =

Not to mention the fact that many states are "at-will" states, meaning that you can quit, or your boss can fire you, at any time, with or without reason. Although I'm not sure if Michigan falls into this category.

bryceizbombin 0

wow that's lame you should tell her your horoscope says "you should keep your job or bad things will happen to your bosses car."

Lane2224 0

thats what you get for going to see your sister while shes injured not dead


So if her horoscope told her to jump off the Mackinaw Bridge naked, she'd do it? Hm.. I think I have a good revenge tactic. >:3