By Lovemynewhaircut - 10/03/2015 18:47 - United States - Brentwood

Today, I got a new haircut. I was feeling pretty confident, until coworkers and family members kept making comments like, "I think you gained a little weight", "You look older" and "Do you still like guys?" Apparently, my new haircut changed my waist size and my sexual orientation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 154
You deserved it 3 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who just asks someone "Do you still like guys?" That's pretty rude. FYL

If you like it, ignore the others. You do you.


afallingstar 22

I'm assuming OP cut her hair short. It's really dumb that some people think short hair= lesbian. Even if she was isn't that her business, not someone else's?

RKD 23

Sorry to hear, OP-you probably haven't gained any weight, the short cut probably just made you face look fuller!

I didnt know hair cuts had that capability,Guess I'll stay after from the barber for now on....

gonnawhupu 13

OP, about the weight thing, if you usually have a lot of hair, then you get it cut, it may make you look a little chunkier. It always happens to me. Sorry OP, that they didn't like your haircut.

Well what kind of haircut did you get? Before I get into this THIS IS MY OPINION AND IN NO WAY A FACT! It's your hair, do whatever you want with it. You decide, not anyone else. I just think that girls look more feminine with more girly long haircuts and not short boy haircuts. I usually don't like when a girl gets a boy haircut that's all short. But like I said, your hair so your choice. Do whatever makes you happy. I'm just trying to explain why people might have made the comments if you got a short haircut.

Your new haircut makes you look like an old fat lesbian?

Agoodperspn1990 11

Totally had that happen to me! Got told alot that it looked like I gained so much weight in my face suddenly... Now my hair is long and pulled close to my face!

ninety 25

On the bright side, hair grows back.