By scarletscarface - 30/03/2012 03:00 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, I gave myself paper cuts on the sides of my mouth while licking the cover of a pudding cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 165
You deserved it 14 707

scarletscarface tells us more.

scarletscarface 10

Well, when i removed the cover, I decided to try to get the pudding off all at one time. So part of it was in my mouth. When I slid it out, I did get all the pudding off, but also managed to cut my mouth :( I wont be making that mistake again...

Top comments

Now you can be The Joker and say "Would you like to know how I got these scars?"

Have fun eating for the next few days


ThAt little bit of pudding is always worth the risk

HTF do you get a "paper cut" from plastic... It wouldn't be considered a paper cut then. Just a regular cut. This new world is made of dumb asses now days..

You're entirely right about the dumb asses now days. Just look in the mirror for starters.

You think you have it bad? You should take a look at the Joker from bat man...

Now they're making PUDDING CUPS dangerous!? Dammmmmm

scarletscarface 10

Well, when i removed the cover, I decided to try to get the pudding off all at one time. So part of it was in my mouth. When I slid it out, I did get all the pudding off, but also managed to cut my mouth :( I wont be making that mistake again...

And thanks to your FML, many others will put themselves up to the challenge to see if they can take the pudding off the cover with cutting themselves. Hope your happy OP. But still, hope your mouth gets better soon.

foiled 15

I've done that a few times.. lol

mississauga huhh : ) i have done that couple of times as well.

bowser_rawr16 13

I've done that before! But with licking envelopes.. it hurts