By nonameLiz - 03/02/2010 01:16 - United States

Today, I found out that you can get arrested for holding up a 'free hugs' sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 433
You deserved it 109


perdix 29

The local ******' Guild had you arrested for product dumping. Or maybe an undercover cop heard you hawk your paid services while receiving said "free" hug. It's like those "free" vacations where you have to attend a boring timeshare speech. Nothing is free.

I'm actually wearing a free hug shirt right now, and one day a cop even gave me a hug. I don't know what's wrong with your cops

lol I once got told by a crazed woman that free hugs are prostitution, at a Christian convention xD

Legally, they are. You might find it funny or crazy (and I'm not saying it isn't), but it's legally considered a form of soliciting and akin to prostitution. Most people let it slip, but every once in a while, someone gets arrested for it. Either because they were being annoying or the cop suspected there might be something more to it, or the cop was just in an angry day and decided to apply the law all the way instead of closing their eyes. Incidentally, you are the crazed one if you need to insult some random woman because you disagree with what she was saying. The no free hugs thing may suck, it's still the law and what she said was accurate...

rebelgurll89 0

I no how U feel I did that too with a bunch of my friends and some old lady called the cops and we ditch and ran threw back roads and we seen the cops but they didn't find us lol

perdix 29

That's funny, I'm walking around with my "Free Hugs" thong wearing nothing else but flip-flops. The cops are laughing at me and giving me the thumbs-up! I guess Texas > Georgia.

Consider yourself lucky. I broke the nose of one of you idiots when he came running at me flinging a sign around so a fine is still better.

tazer11 0

I'm wearing a shirt that says "free hugs" on it right now lol. and I have a shirt that says free hugs in Spanish too :P