By kit_kat14 - 19/02/2010 14:27 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my boyfriend joined a group on Facebook called 'Swallow. Or it's going in your eye.' Today I also found out that my boyfriend takes Facebook groups very seriously. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 557
You deserved it 4 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch! I dont get why some people are such jerks squirting at their gf's eyes

hahaha I'm sorry for you OP but that's a tad funny. tell him "finish somewhere else or I'm spitting it back."


purplemnm 9

what does it feel like? can you feel them move around? can I play with your **** puppet? 0_o

KurouTenshi 0

#27 are you asking what it's like to have a mouthful of cum? O_o cause if you are, it's nothing fancy. a little bitter, sometimes harsh going down... but it's a good sign that you can stop sucking, and swallowing just helps keep it clean and not so messy. p.s., I want a shirt that says what the facebook group is called <3

lolroflmao 0

umm...u want to know this why?

ZombieBunnies 0

Give me the experience Tenshi and I'll make you one helluva t-shirt

purplemnm 9

Well I mean does it feel good getting anything in your eye? Lol this is no exception.

TheSexynator 0

since u both hav swords u shall challenge him to a duel! may the best man emerge victorious.

Uh..apparently you haven't noticed but the OP posted that she's 100% woman.

TheSexynator 0

since u both hav swords u shall challenge him to a duel!! may the strongest emerge victorious

Totally deserved it, that group should be law

iamchuck 0

Maybe your bf will let you pitch one day, and then you can return the favor.

the only way to make a guy feel wanted is by swallowing. quit being a wuss

Why did you swallow it? I would have given you a facial as well.