By Ishii - 07/02/2010 18:58 - Canada

Today, I found out that, if timed just right, the alarm function on my phone can be disabled by a text message. And my dad has an impeccable sense of timing. I was 20 minutes late for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 022
You deserved it 3 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol wow, what are the odds, that sux big time =P


wackywillieweath 0

LOL the same thing happens to me sometimes on my iPhone

That is what the snooze option is for.

dude, don't post this on the internet right now, get to work!!!

Jadwee96 8

i guess you weren't so late that you couldn't post it on FML first. i think you'll be okay..

But you have enough time to sit down at your computer and type this...

maybe you should get a real alarm clock???

This happened to me ALL THE TIME when I had a Razr.

Using your phone as an alarm? Why were alarm clocks invented for then, decoration? gg, YDI