By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays

Today, I found out that I'm not actually allergic to chocolate, when my mom freely admitted to me that she made it up when I was a child because she didn't want to share any cookies with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 870
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

If they were chocolate chip Chips Ahoy cookies.. I understand her reasoning..


When she's in a nursing home, tell the staff she's allergic to chocolate, but may try to sneak some.

(It took me a whole five minutes from my comment to break down and go get chocolate.)

Get a double chocolate cake and eat it in front of her then when your done fake an allergic reaction ! Lol

gabbiechaoss 5

At least you no longer have to live a life being deprived of chocolate!

My mom also did that to me I finally tried chocolate when I was 16ish and I'm not really a fan....

YeaSo3 14

Yeah you missed out on one of the universe's greatest gifts lol.... But she saved you a lifetime of fatness... And extra weight you could have lol

You're not seeing the silver lining, now you get to experience chocolate for the very first time when you're old enough to comprehend/remember it.

marlboro_man93 0

I'm starting to wonder, how you found out you actually weren't allergic to chocolate. Did your mom tell you? Or did you eat chocolate and get no side effects?

Actually reading over, I got my answer lol. My bad. Carry on :)

You should've taken a fork and scraped your forearm, and put a little chocolate on it to see if you actually WERE allergic to it. I dunno, it worked in Mr. & Mrs. Smith.