By Sarah - 30/08/2012 12:58 - United States - Hampton Bays

Today, I found out that I'm not actually allergic to chocolate, when my mom freely admitted to me that she made it up when I was a child because she didn't want to share any cookies with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 870
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dodge4x4Ram 46

If they were chocolate chip Chips Ahoy cookies.. I understand her reasoning..


duravian 1
doglover100 28

I'd hate it if I was allergic to chocolate. I don't know what I'd do. Your mom sucks.

KiddNYC1O 20

Care for some cyber cookies?

Give me your address, your mother needs to die.

Cool mom you got there OP How do you survive this long without chocolate??!

Lawl i would just not give her chocolates n shut for her bday and be like :you ruined my childhood i ruined your life

Am I terrible for understanding OP's mom? I mean I think lying about an allergy is wrong, but it is quite annoying to have to share your food every time you get something to eat. Sometimes you just want your snack to yourself.

Thank your mom for me. That's a great idea!!!

BamaMedic 4

Holy crap... I'm not a huge fan of chocolate... But I would have died >_<